There are four major pointers to consider for earning high rankings on local search engines:
- Include your clients' websites to local search engines
- Google Local Business Center
- Yahoo! Local Merchant
- Ask Business Search
- Submit your client's website listings to popular directories and Internet Yellow Pages
- Set your geographic location in Google's Webmaster Tools
- Add contact information to your site
Another important technique to utilize for SEO is to use HubPages to promote websites. In short, HubPages aim to allow users to publish content and gain information about a specific topic or submit content via one-page websites referred to as "hubs". In addition, HubPages can increase customer traffic by adding links to a website and attracting readers to a hub by constantly updating them.
Lastly, auto-pinging can be used as an advanced technique for SEO to improve blogging and its RSS. Essentially, pinging is a tactic in blogging that tells Google that changes have been made to a website or its corresponding pages, and that it should come back to that site to have a look. Therefore, auto-pinging is considered the consolidation of all pinging into one common location that is completely disconnected from someone's blogs.