Furthermore, after I learned more about HubSpot and watched the tutorial videos during class, I was able to register online for the service. I thought that the company's website had a very inviting interface. Additionally, it displayed inbound marketing at its finest with the ability to watch its videos without the interruption of unwanted advertisements. I would recommend anyone seeking additional information regarding inbound marketing or blogs to visit the following link from HubSpot, as it explains common terms that are used in the marketing industry: http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/inbound-marketing-glossary-list.
I think that the some of the most important information that I learned this week came from the HubSpot videos related to Chapter 1, which discusses inbound marketing essentials. Thus, I learned that there is a major difference between inbound and traditional marketing. Inbound marketing consists of search engine optimization, blogging, attraction, and customer-centric relations. On the other hand, traditional marketing consists of cold calling, cold emails, interruptive advertisements, and marketer-centric relations. I thought that this was very interesting because I was unaware that inbound marketing even existed before starting this class. I also learned that inbound marketing needs to attract, convert, close, and delight customers in order to be successful. This can be accomplished by following a series of fundamental steps, which include using buyer personas, using the buyer journey, creating remarkable content, and leveraging content. Overall, I believe that one of the most important ideas to take away from the introduction to inbound marketing is that it is a fundamental shift in the way that people do business. I look forward to learning more about inbound marketing and the advantages it has to offer and continuing to update everyone in the process.
The following picture provides an example of what HubSpot's website looks like:
This is a nice post about inbound marketing. Inbound marketing is the best way to promote a business at the low cost. Because in inbound marketing you can do marketing specifically to your targeted area and targeted audience. Inbound marketing and custom websiite development