Thursday, February 5, 2015

SEO Blog Post- Week 4 (Search Engine Optimization & Keywords)

Last week I discussed the basics of search engines. After reading up on material from, I now have a better understanding on search engine optimization. Broadly, SEO can be separated by two major factors; on-page optimization and off-page optimization. Regardless, I have begun to understand that spelling and grammar are extremely important to monitor regarding SEO. If kept in mind, grammar and spelling can greatly increase the likelihood that your site will rank higher when typed into a search engine. This also goes hand in hand with creating remarkable content, as both will give you a significant advantage over competition.

I believe that some of the more interesting information that I learned this week consisted of the differences between on-page optimization and off-page optimization. The following lists will provide a basic explanation on the different factors that make up both types of SEO:

  • Keywords
  • HTML Tags
  • Content
  • CSS
  • URL Writing
More specifically, I will breakdown a few of these on-page optimization factors to provide a more precise idea of what they are composed of:

Keywords: (Suggestion Tools)
  1. WordTracker
  2. Yahoo!
  3. Google Suggest
  4. Digital Point Tool
Search Engine Optimization

HTML Tags:
  1. Title Tag
  2. Meta Tag
  3. Alt Tag
Content Optimization:
  1. Headline Tags
  2. Special Text (Bold, Color)
  3. Inline Text Links or Anchor Text (Visible Hyperlinked Text)
  4. Keyword Density
Lastly, I will list common off-page optimization factors that are often associated with SEO.

  1. Building Link Popularity
  2. Google Page Rank
  3. Measuring Link Popularity
  4. Anchor Text Optimization 

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